Baxter is a gorgeous AKC registered Saint Bernard that came to us several years ago and was adopted by one of our past adopters, whose Saint had recently passed away. Like many Saint owners, they realized a home is never the same once you’ve had a Saint, without a Saint. Unfortunately, due to family issues they are no longer able to keep Baxter. As always, St. Cloud’s Rescue takes back our dogs and provides care, attention, and love to them. As you can see from his picture, Baxter is a very large boy at approximately 180 pounds. He is on a new weight control diet, and our goal is to lose 30 pounds each, together. It will be interesting to see if he or I lose weight quicker. Baxter is house trained, a joy to be around, however, we have not introduced him to any of our dogs yet, mainly because I cannot hold him to try an introduction. That will be forthcoming when I have a very strong person to assist me. We believe Baxter to be around 6 years old. He has no medical issues that we know of. Baxter is current on all vaccinations, neutered and heart worm negative. He needs a good grooming, but we can not lift him into our bathtub, so he will be getting an outside bath, again when I have someone to assist me. He is loving big boy and just a sweetheart.