Miss Honeybuns is a senior Saint Bernard that weighs approximately 95-100 pounds. She has had a hard life and has been used for breeding all her life until we rescued her. She is very sweet, loving and well behaved. After all she has been through, she still thinks people are wonderful humans. When you look into her eyes, they almost speak to you. She responds to most verbal words like a human. She is almost magical. Honeybuns is looking for a home where someone will give her the love and attention she has never had. She is low energy and will just sit and let you pet her and love on her. She would be better as an only dog. She is spayed and has recovered from bloat surgery. We had her stomach tacked so she should never have to worry about bloating again. She is heartworm negative and will be current on all vaccinations before she leaves St. Clouds.
She doesn’t like other dogs anymore, so a one dog family will be required.